Corporate Social Responsibility
Orbit Terminal Merak (OT Merak), besides running a business, we also carry out our social responsibility throught Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), where the main programs are a form of concern for the community and environment around the company.
We have carried out Corporate Social Responbility programs specially for the community around the company, which focuses on the community of RW 07 to the community in Lebak Gede Village in general.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility pillars are as following:
- Education
- Religion
- Social and Culture
- Infrastructure and Environment
- Community and local enterprises development
PT Orbit Terminal Merak CSR program has been implemented since 2009 until now. We continue to strive to maintain the company’s commitment in carrying out social responsibility through programs that run regularly every year and also our other contributions to communities around PT Orbit Terminal Merak.
Our concrete actions on running the CSR programs are the routine programs such as providing educational assistance funds for underprivileged & high achieving children (Program Pendidikan Anak Asuh), support on bilding facilities for the communities, charity for Eidul Adha and Eidul Fitri days, and so on.

1. Education
PT Orbit Terminal Merak has a flagship program called the Foster Child Education Program. This program aims to assist underprivileged communities, particularly children in the surrounding areas of the company, in obtaining better education, covering levels from elementary school to high school. The program is designed to build hope that these children will be able to help improve their families’ economic conditions in the future. The company also monitors the progress of the foster children to ensure that the program runs effectively and achieves its objectives.

2. Religion
PT Orbit Terminal Merak is also actively involved in religious activities. Every year, the company participates in distributing basic necessities to the surrounding community, especially to those who are less fortunate, such as orphans, widows, the poor/needy, community leaders, foster children, and others, including fishermen, casual laborers, and other groups. Additionally, PT Orbit Terminal Merak regularly provides sacrificial animals during the Eid al-Adha celebration to the local community. The company also supports religious activities in the area by providing donations and other contributions.

3. Social and Culture
PT Orbit Terminal Merak supports various social and cultural activities in the surrounding community of RW 07, both those initiated by the company and by the local government. The activities supported include health outreach and check-ups for the elderly, pregnant women, and toddlers, participation in the Foster Father Program for Stunting Children, disaster simulation exercises, and other social and cultural programs.

4. Infrastructure and Environment
PT Orbit Terminal Merak supports various community activities by participating in the development of local infrastructure, such as Posbindu, Posyandu, community halls, musholas, and mosques around the company. The company also expands its CSR activities by planting mangrove seedlings, planting cypress tree saplings, and releasing fish fry in locations appropriate for these activities. PT Orbit Terminal Merak is also responsible for maintaining the environment around the company. Coastal cleaning activities are carried out to ensure the environment remains clean and safe for the local community.

5. Community and Local enterprises development
PT Orbit Terminal Merak is committed to supporting community development and local businesses. More than 75% of the in-house contractor workforce involved comes from the surrounding community. The company also collaborates with third-party businesses owned by local residents to provide goods and services, aiming to promote local enterprises. In addition, PT OTM organizes an activity called ‘OTM Mengajar,’ one of the sessions of which aims to provide the local community with knowledge about the working world, so they can be better prepared before entering the workforce.